Sunday, February 15, 2009

July 23rd 1943

Friday 23 July 43
Dear Mom and all,
I must apoligize all ready for not writing soon but seeing as we are once more back on course I am settled down to a sort of daily routine. It's very long hours from 8 in the morning until 9 at night. Of course that means getting up at 6 each morning Sunday included. No rest for the wicked as the saying goes.
Well Mom, how are the folks back home? I hope you and Daddy are in good health and happy. I do hope that you are as happy as possible. How is Nanny and Grandpa? You can tell Nanny for me that as soon as we get a day off I will write to her. I hope they are both well and the two kids how are they? I hope they are not to bothersome and not to much bother to Nanny while you are away during the day.
I am fine and dandy as possible, of course I wish I were home especially now that I am married to the best little girl in the world. I think an awful lot of her as if you didn't know but wishing never does any harm. I have a hunch I will be home sooner than anyone thinks so have your fingers crossed. It has been 3 weeks since we got her- time sure does go fast.
Well I can't say very much about what I'm doing as you know but I can say this much I am working damn hard for the RCAF and only hope they appreciate it.
I really must close for tonight as lights out has brrn blown and I'm pretty tired.
So long for now Mom and all my love to all of you back there- it won't be long before this whole war is over the way things are going down in Sicily. I hope I can get in on the invasion of Italy which is bound to come soon. I imagine the Toronto paper really gave it a write up second to none as a second front,
Bye for now

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