Saturday, February 14, 2009

July 15th 1943

Thursday July 15/43

Dear Mom-

Well we are still here (whereever that is) We are leaving here pretty soon by the time you get this I shall be well on my O.J.T. Course. September should find us in the soup for [ineligible] I hope that is so because the soner we start the soner its finished.

How are all the folks- Milton and Patricia. I hope Milton passed because I don't want to come home and catch him in public school because if he is he wants to watch out.

I have wrote to Frank but as yet I haven't had any reply. I hope they didn't send him to fight the Wops.

Well I am fine and dandy not homesick but I miss being in Canada and being able to rush home once in a while it sure is tough getting married and then going away. I don't regret it and would do it again if I had to. Mildred stood up well at the station and so did you. The next time you go to the station I hope it's to see both Frank and I coming home for good and believe you me it will be for good. I am very anxious to see Frank but I hope it doesn't take to long to contact him.

We had a night vison test today and I'll be okay (I hope)

Well Mom, how is Daddy? Did he get [sentance illegible] How is Nanny and Grandpa? I hope they are not working to hard around the house. I'll drop Nanny a line one of these days. I mustn't forget Pat, I hope she stays on passing at school and gets a good education. How is yourself Mom, you are not working to hard?

Well so long for now Mom and I'll write again soon. Love to all


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