Thursday, March 5, 2009

November 10th 1943

November 10/43

Dear Mom-

I have had 3 letters from you in the past two weeks so things are picking up. I have had one from Pat so I shall be writing to her today, one from Nanny and about 20 from Mildred in the past two and a half weeks so I have done pretty good, haven't I?

Well at last one posting has come through and I hope its definite. We are supposed to leave here on the 29th of November but now we leave this coming Sunday the 14th. It is a very good posting so I hope it turns out that we go. It wouldn't surprise me if it was canceled because we have had so many postings canceled lately it would be only natural. Oh well I'll just hope for the best and expect the worst.

The weather has been always foggy for the past two weeks and it has rained nearly everyday- Last Sunday was the nice and today has been quite nice. I hope the weather holds up so we can get going and gets some ops finished. I have one finished now so that's the first one completed.

This Battle School course which have been taking while waiting for the posting has proved to be a waste of time and thank goodness there is only 3 more days left of it or I would go eggey.

The wedding pictures turned out to be pretty good didn't they? I never take a real good picture but the one of Mildred is beautiful isn't it? I have a smaller one of Mildred and myself for my photograph album in colour, boy I really like it.

How is everyone? The latest letter from you shows everyone is in good condition and I hope everyone stays that way this winter. I hope Grandpa doesn't take sick again to be a big burden on Nanny.

I am fine and dandy I think I have put on some weight since I started this course- I hope I lose it before I get home. I should only weight around 145 but I guess I weight close to 160 now. A few weeks hard study will soon take all that off I hope.

How is the Army treating Dad? Every letter I get from you he is either down at the armouries or at Long Branch or Bolton Camp. I guess he is really taking his training in earnest. I hope he doesn't over do it because after all he isn't as young as when he was Overseas and you cannot fool yourself about that angle.

So Mr Lovich won't get out of the apartment without three months notice. Well, they can't put him out because the law-the housing law states that at least 3 months notice has to be given so he has them. But they certainly can charge him next for the [illegible] they were foolish not to charge him.

He has made plenty out of that Church believe me.

Well Mom I hope this finds everyone still in good health. I hope you quit your job pretty soon because the war is nearly over so I think you and our family have done there full share of carrying the load for our country and the draft dodgers.

Well so long for now and keep your chin up for it won't be long. God Bless you Mom

Love to all


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