Wednesday, January 7, 2009

April 1940

1-6 April 1940

Trench warfare training was running into some difficulties as the Engineers wanted to dismantle the trenches. Unit went to Puttenham Common for Company schemes. Companies marched out 5 1/2 miles and attempted company attack on defended position. It was a failure and in addition it rained making it a thoroughly unpleasant day. Corporal's held a dance at night in their mess. A Corporal in the Provost Section was tried by the CO and reduced in rank to Private. He was detailed to go to London to pick up a prisoner from the APM in London. When he picked him up both he and the prisoner went into the station restaurant and started to have a couple of drinks. One thing led to another and they both ended up drunk and disorderly. The Provost Sergeant had to go to London and pick them both up and needless to say the charges resulted which led to his trial. Training held again at Puttenham Common. Battalion Transport utilized and they practiced giving the troops a lift over short distances. This was the first time that this attempted. Sir Edward Peacock and two directors of the YMCA visited the unit and dined with the officers. Battalion practiced withdrawal exercise at Puttenham Common. A/TK rifle practice held at Hangmoor Ranges.

7-13 April 1940

Church parade held as usual on Sunday. Battalion embussed on the unit transport and at the debussing point an ice cream vendor was selling his wares and this was a distruption in training until he was told to move on. Battalion required to dig in to a depth of 6 feet. After completing the dig the unit started a 10 mile march back to barracks. Hot soup served at the half way point on the way back. Brigade Commander and Colonel Drysdale watched the unit training. Unit went back to Puttenham Common for more collective training. Training also held in the Pirbright area and the unit rotated in and out of this area on a scheduled basis. An intricate system of trenches already in place in this area. Companies remained in trenches all day and it was during this training that the first issue of army rum made to the unit. According to the War Diary this trench warfare training in Pirbright area was taken quite seriously. Patrols in no mans land led to many instances of fist fights and no small number of black eyes. Battalion relieved in training area by Scots Guards. Pay parade held when unit returned from training and everyone had 1 shilling deducted from their pay for barrack damages, in this case broken china in the mess hall. Battalion drill held on Saturday and then passes handed out for weekend.

14-20 April 1940

Battalion church parade held as usual and then the remainder of the day free. Unit went to Puttenham Common for exercise. A and B Companies returned by MT for bath parade. The band paraded to the Government siding to meet a large draft of men from Canada. They failed to arrive-no reason given. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff lectured the Officers. Unit embussed on RASC transport for Twisledown training area but returned almost immediately due to heavy rain storm. Slight mix up regarding RASC transport failing to follow CO's vehicle. Unit went back to Twisledown to look at trenches occupied the night before. Gas alarms held on Saturday and it was none to successful.

21-30 April 1940

Church parade as usual. Several men were noted swimming in the Basingstone Canal in the nude. Battalion training at Thursley Common.

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