Saturday, January 31, 2009
July 1941
The entire unit was present at Walton Hill to witness a drop by members of the Parachute Corps from aircraft. Very impressive but the impression was they were very vulnerable to small arms fire while free falling through the air. The CO confined all troops to barracks and at 1800hrs 9 July the unit set out on a forced night march of 27 miles in 9 and a half hours. We were back at barracks or billets by 1830 hrs 10 July. I was one of the men who suffered from blistering of my feet.
CO was returned from Aldershot to take temporary command of the 1 Cdn Inf Bde. Unit of exercise Albert on 20-21 July in the Petworth area. Major Speagge of the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada was attached as an observer for the exercise. The butter ration on leave ration cards was cut to 1 oz. We were allowed to open up our collars of our battle dress while on leave.
Most of the church parades held during this month were on a voluntary basis. Pte. Garvis was awarded a distinguished conduct commendation for rescuing two people from a bombed house. Exercise Spruce held in London on 27 July against GPO Battalion of the Home Guard. BHQ required to submit causality returns on personnel killed and wounded, by umpires, on the exercise in order to practice causality reporting procedures. Enemy air activity almost completely ceased at night and the activity at night was confined to the RAF flying ground. I was promoted to Lance Corporal and awarded the 2 year good conduct stripe.
June 1941
Some companies, of the unit, acted as the enemy in conjunction with exercises held for the Corps Commanders inspection of the Seaforths and Loyal Edmonton Regiment. Pte. Doherty, of the 48th Highlanders, was one of the two Canadians to represent the Canadian Army in the British Army Boxing finals held in the Albert Hall in London on 7 June. He was not successful.
Major Ganong returned to the unit from his posting in London. The new Tomahawk aircraft flew over the battalion area for purposes of aircraft recognition and familiarization. Exercise Waterloo commenced 14 June. Unit marched to Pebblescombe Hill-Bletchingly-Newdigate and then to the area North of Rusper. Bivouaced at 0200hrs. Marching next day via Horsham to Marlpost Wood arriving at 1715hrs. Rested 1 hour and moved to the area North of Washington. Arrived at 2100hrs and bivouaced. Exercise commenced at 0400hrs 16 June and the objective at Chantonbury Ring on the South Downs was attacked. BHQ established at Green Farm east of Washington. This was an exercise held in conjunction with tanks of the Royal Tank Regiment.
Exercise ended at 1200hrs 16 June and unit returned to Kingswood by TCVs. Field General Court Martial held at BHQ on Pte's Utton, Slater and Ferguson, the charges being Absence without Leave. D Company moved to Westerham to act as the guard at the estate of the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
Brigade Sport's Day on 26 June. We moved out on exercise Maple on 27 June and moved by transport to the start line at Godalming. Moved on 28 June to Bramshott-Winchester. BHQ established at Winchester Station. Battalion attacked 28/29 June. Exercise ended 1420 hrs 29 June and returned to our billets at Kingswood. CSM Church was awarded the Efficiency Medal and Pte D. Williams was awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal.
May 1941
An examination of the war diary reveals that May was a pretty routine month as far as the unit was concerned. Training and leave and one was finding it hard to realize that there was a war on but of course the nightly bombing brought one back to the reality of war very rapidly. The bombing of London reached crescendo on the night of 15 May. We did not realize it at the time but that night marked a turning point. There was never another raid of such intensity again and the bombing of London was over. The Germans lost that one. The invasion of Russia was delayed by the resistance in Yugoslavia and this was responsible for the change in tactics. The CO Lt. Col W.W. Southam was awarded the Efficiency Decoration this month.
April 1941
On exercise Hare on 9 Apr. This time there was no mix-up of transport on the roads. Thursday and Friday we were in Laughton-Alfriston-Denton area on the South Coast of England. The unit moved back to billets in Kingswood on Friday at 1600hrs. Church parade held on Sunday and march past was taken by the CO. 14 Apr was declared a holiday to make up for the holiday on Good Friday which we missed due to the exercise. We went by road transport on 16 Apr to the ranges at Ash in the Aldershot area. Left Kingswood at 0330hrs and returned 1700hrs the same day. Heavy enemy air activity reported nearly every day this month with some local bombing. On 25 Apr Pte. A. Wilson was killed in a cave-in while filling sand bags at Henley Heath. Cpl. D. Collins was also severely injured at the same time in the same incident. Pte. Wilson was buried with full military honours at Brockwood on 29 Apr. An entry was placed in Part I orders restricting entry to London on pass due to the heavy damage from the bombing. This did not affect me as I never had any intention of sticking my head into the lion's mouth and roam around London while it was being bombed.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
March 1941
While I was absent on course Capt. J.E.F. Seagram was killed in an air raid in London and was buried with full military honours by the unit at Brookwood cemetery. Unit boxers went on to win 4 Corps Championships. When the battalion was in France we were forced to leave Pte. G. Thompson behind as he took sick. Word was received by the unit that he had returned after many adventures and landed at Gourach in Scotland on 17 Mar. The circumstances of his escape from occupied Europe were never really told to anyone in the unit.
February 1941
Enemy air activity was quite severe both in the daytime and at night. Every other night there was an alert and bombing in London. Battalion carried on with the training as set out in the training syllabus. Major Merry was returned to Canada this month. Exercise at Gatwick Airport canceled. Unit boxers won championships in four weight classes including heavyweight. The CO returned to the unit from the Senior Officers course.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 1941
Church parades held each Sunday in the Company areas and the padre was kept quite busy getting around to each of them. The CO, Lt. Col W.W. Southam, was away on a Senior Officers course and his place was being taken by Major W.B. Hendrie. The weather was cold, sleet and rain for a good part of the month. The companies were still out practicing digging and revetting trenches. A report that two German airman were loose in our area was received and when we went to try to find them we failed to find any trace.
Set out on the 60 mile march on 27 Jan and left Kingswood at 0800hrs and we covered 21 and a half miles and reached Croydon where we stayed in billets of the R 22e R. The second day we marched a total of 23 and a half miles to Westerham and Godstaone and stayed the night in the billets of the PPCLI. We marched 16 and a half miles the third day from Westerham direct to Kingswood via secondary roads. The weather every day was raining, foggy and we were all thoroughly miserable. Feet mighty sore at the end of the march but I did not drop out although a total of 6 men in the unit were unable to finish the march due to foot trouble.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
December 1940
1-7 December 1940
Battalion church parade this morning. Two daylight air raids this week. Training being carried out as laid down by the weekly training syllabus. Cleaning up the billets prior to our departure fro Brighton on the south coast. Moved out at 0830hrs on Thursday 5 Dec and arrived a Roedean School on the East side of Brighton where we relieved the PPCLI. BHQ stationed at Roedean school. Outposts being manned along the coast. Raining and foggy and all ranks confined to barracks.
8-14 December 1940
Church parade held in Roedean School Chapel. There was a nice pipe organ in the chapel and I played it for the services. It was a long time since I played even a piano and it was certainly was the first time that I had ever played a three manual church organ. Various red alerts given through the days. The body of a German airman was found 450 yards west of the main gate of the school. Recognized by remnants of uniform. Several reports of German aircraft received. One of the drummers in the band, Pte. Lou Murphy, was struck by a truck on the Main Front Rd and severely injured. He was in a coma for a long time and eventually returned to Canada but never regained the full use of his arms and legs and his speech was severely impaired. I seen him after the war and he was indeed severely handicapped. I was employed at this time as a runner at Battalion Headquarters.
15-21 December 1940
I played the organ again this Sunday for the church parade in the chapel. Company training being carried out when the troops were not on station in the various posts along the coast. We were allowed to go into Brighton if we were not required for duty and provided we had a pass. Reports of strange lights received from time to time which usually proved to be of no importance.
22-28 December 1940
Church parades held in the chapel and I played the organ again. Christmas Day was spent at the school. This was the second Christmas that we were away from home. I received a letter from Canada stating that I had been accepted as an apprentice musician with the R 22e R Band in Quebec. Needless to say I could not go back. Air raids reported in Brighton together with reports of bombs.
29-31 December 1940
We left Roedean School in the Brighton area at 1100hrs on Sunday and handed over to the RCR's. Back in Kingswood area and settling in. Short route march held on Tuesday and nothing special was planned for New Years Eve.
This ends the first full year away from Canada.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
November 1940
[November 14th, the city of Coventry is destroyed by 500 German bombers.]
October 1940
Thursday, January 22, 2009
September 1940
We had the usual church parades on Sunday in the company area. Lt. Col Haldenby called in to the unit to say good-bye before leaving for Canada. We went on exercise to Worth Forest on Thursday 5 Sep 40. Codeword Cromwell issued on Sunday 8 Sep 40 and we were on 4 hours notice to move. Invasion of England was imminent. All prisoners were released except those awaiting court martial. Unit of 1 hour notice to move and tents and blankets put into storage. Raining and very miserable and the blankets and tents were re-issued for comfort. Usual training being carried out after being given notice of stand down on Sat 14 Sep 40. We were warned that we would be moving to billets anytime after 18 Sep. Saturday 14 Sep was the first night we did not have an alert since the night they raided the docks at London. 15 Sep usual church parades held and afterwards the unit played the recce squadron at softball. Some passes were granted for Horsham and the remainder of the free personnel went to Newdigate. Heavy barrage heard from the direction of London. Nothing heard in the immediate area. Capt. Warren appointed Adjutant. Use of buses for recreation transport were canceled due to shortages of patrol. Company church parades held on Sunday 23 Sep. Remainder of the day and Monday 23 Sep were spent in cleaning up the area in readiness for the move to the Kingswood area. Spent all day Wednesday settling in. 7 day privilege leave opened for 5% of the unit at any one time with transportation warrants. Battalion paraded to various churches in the area around Kingswood.
[On September 7th 1940 the German Luftwaffe bombed London, the beginning of 57 straight days of bombing. It was also during this month that Hitler planned for Operation Sealion (the invasion of the UK) to take place. The operation was untimely canceled on September 17th.]
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Never Was So Much....
House of Commons
August 1940
A gas house was opened at Stanhope House for testing respirators. Training being carried out and a route march held on Friday. Battalion on 1 hour notice to move so no passes issued.
4-10 August 1940
Individual company church parades held on Sunday and limited passes granted for Horsham. Battalion paraded to Cocksey Farm and carried out exercise with tanks. GOC addressed the unit and told them that this type of fighting is what we could expect. Route march held and then the unit paraded to the mobile bath unit. Further tank training held during the week to familiarize the unit with working with tanks. We practiced moving out to the training area in company pacquets to speed up movement. Sports afternoon held on Thursday. We went on a 18 mile route march which id the longest route march we have made to date. Battalion marched to Cocksey Farm for week-end exercise with tanks.
11-17 August 1940
We were training on Sunday and the GOC observed the exercise and he was not to pleased and he let us know. Returned to unit lines and no passes were issued due to "stand to." We all had to wear gas masks for a set period each day. This was extremely uncomfortable. A concert was given on Monday night in Newdigate by the local inhabitants. We were also required to go into slit trenches during any air raids. We went on an exercise on Thursday to Ford Manor. It was a move by MT combined with a march. When we were returning to our area in the afternoon we were forced over the side of the road where we were enabled to witness our first air battle. A whistling bomb fell in the vicinity of the Commanding Officers vehicle. A party of 120 men under Capt. K Whyte left the Lydd ranges. Balance of the week spent on training as set out in the training syllabus.
18-24 August 1940
Usual church parades held. The party of men at Lydd ranges shot down a German aircraft and this was confirmed by a letter from General McNaughton and General Pearkes. Pte. Clark was on the LMG which shot the plane down. Two Polish officers attached to the unit for training. Infantry-tank training held all day Wednesday. Air raid on Saturday night reported to have killed some troops in the RCR area. This was not confirmed. Frequent air raids being reported each day.
25-31 August 1940
We had church parades on Sunday in the Company areas. Several bombs are reported to have fallen in the area and more casualties reported. We went on exercise Horne with tanks and bivouaced in the area prior to the exercise. Capt. MacKenzie showed the CO a newspaper clipping stating that he and Lt. Col Calquhon, of the PPCLI, were returning to Canada for executive positions with the 3rd Canadian Division. General Pearkes present for exercise Horne and he confirmed that the CO was indeed returning to Canada to be given command of a Brigade. Major Southam is to be promoted Lt. Col and to command the 48th Highlanders. We returned to Newdigate at 1300hrs. CO given a farewell dinner and two air raid warnings were sounded while it was in progress. Privilege leave being given to 10% of unit with warrant. Several air raid warnings received during the week and a good deal of the time we spent in our slit trenches. Final unit parade held for Lt. Col E.W. Haldenby who then turned the unit over to Major W.W. Southam. We marched past Lt. Col Haldenby for the last time. During the air raid on Friday PSM Miller's platoon captured a German pilot from one of the two planes seen to have come down in our area. A little later PSM Osbourne drove his platoon vehicle to close to a German bomber that had been forced down, It either caught fire or was set on fire by the crew and exploded. The 15 cwt was totally destroyed as it was near to the aircraft. A considerable number of weapons and a large quantity of ammunition were also destroyed. There were a total of three other raids and several planes were down in the area. Capt. Crawford-Brown and five men chased another parachute which turned out to be a barrage balloon that had come down. [note: we were stationed at this time in that part of England receiving the brunt of the action during the Battle of Britain.]
The Battle of Britain
Friday, January 16, 2009
Letter: December 1939
Aboard the Regina del Pacifico Dec 21 1939
Dear Mom-
We are finally abroad ship in Halifax basin waiting to move out sometime to-day. There is quite a few ships in the convoy and we are having a wonderful escort overseas. The quarters aboard ship are fairly comfortable considering the fact that I have never slept in a hammock before. We have wonderful meals and when I say wonderful thats what I mean. The only objection to life aboard ship is that we sleep and eat in the same room. I hope you got my letter from Quebec we had nothing to do so we wrote letters. I wrote one to you and Theresa and a card to Mr. Lovick.
I suppose you will be getting my picture tomorrow and Theresa will be calling for it.
We do life drill most of the time in case anything happens but the Officers say it will be practically impossible for anything to get us on account of the marvelous naval convoy.
How is all the folks at home and how is Nanny? Tell her the pies were delicious and we ate them on Sunday in Quebec and one on Monday in New Brunswick. I still have the pacs of stuff, cigarettes and Xmas cake left but it is gradually disappearing.
As yet I have received only one letter and that was from Ron but it was late getting me in Toronto so it was forwarded from the boat.
Out ship used to be a luxury liner in the South Pacific ocean and she is built on the lines of a Spanish villa.
Yesterday and today it has been miserably wet and foggy and it rained last night.
I guess the kids are getting all ready for Christmas you know that Xmas is there big time. Please take some of my money and buy them something. I want you to do that now. When we get in England I will mail you another letter and then you will know what the trip was like.
Well must close now as the time for life boat drill is close and I have to get ready.
Well keep well and keep smiling and I wish everyone a merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
War of the Unknown Warriors: July 14th 1940
Let us think rather of the future. Today is the fourteenth of July, the national festival of France. A year ago in Paris I watched the stately parade down the Champs Elysees of the French Army and the French empire. Who can foresee what the course of other years will bring? Faith is given to us to help and comfort us when we stand in awe before the unfurling scroll of human destiny. And I proclaim my faith that some of us will live to see a fourteenth of July when a liberated France will once again rejoice in her greatness and in her glory, and once again stand forward as the champion of the freedom and the rights of man. When the day dawns, as dawn it will, the soul of France will turn with comprehension and with kindness to those Frenchmen and Frenchwomen, wherever they may be, who in the darkest hour did not despair of the Republic.
In the meantime, we shall not waste our breath nor cumber our thought with reproaches. When you have a friend and comrade at whose side you have faced tremendous struggles, and your friend is smitten down by a stunning blow, it may be necessary to make sure that the weapon that has fallen from his hands shall not be added to the resources of your common enemy. But you need not bear malice because of your friend's cries of delirium and gestures of agony. You must not add to his pain; you must work for his recovery. The association of interest between Britain and France remains. The cause remains. Duty inescapable remains. So long as our pathway to victory is not impeded, we are ready to discharge such offices of good will toward the French Government as may be possible, and to foster the trade and help the administration of those parts of the great French Empire which are now cut off from captive France, but which maintain their freedom. Subject to the iron demands of the war which we are now waging against Hitler and all his works, we shall try so to conduct ourselves that every true French heart will beat and glow at the way we carry on the struggle; and that not only France, but all the oppressed countries in Europe may feel that each British victory is a step towards the liberation of the Continent from the foulest thralldom into which it has ever been cast.
All goes to show that the war will be long and hard. No one can tell where it will spread. One thing is certain: the peoples of Europe will not be ruled for long by the Nazi Gestapo, nor will the world yield itself to Hitler's gospel of hatred, appetite and domination.
And now it has come to us to stand alone in the breach, and face the worst that the tyrant's might and enmity can do. Bearing ourselves humbly before God, but conscious that we serve an unfolding purpose, we are ready to defend our native land against the invasion by which it is threatened. We are fighting by ourselves alone; but we are not fighting for ourselves alone. Here in this strong City of Refuge which enshrines the title-deeds of human progress and is of deep consequence to Christian civilization; here, girt about by the seas and oceans where the Navy reigns; shielded from above by the prowess and devotion of our airmen-we await undismayed the impending assault. Perhaps it will come tonight. Perhaps it will come next week. Perhaps it will never come. We must show ourselves equally capable of meeting a sudden violent shock or-what is perhaps a harder test-a prolonged vigil. But be the ordeal sharp or long, or both, we shall seek no terms, we shall tolerate no parley; we may show mercy-we shall ask for none.
I can easily understand how sympathetic onlookers across the Atlantic, or anxious friends in the yet-unravished countries of Europe, who cannot measure our resources or our resolve, may have feared for our survival when they saw so many States and kingdoms torn to pieces in a few weeks or even days by the monstrous force of the Nazi war machine. But Hitler has not yet been withstood by a great nation with a will power the equal of his own. Many of these countries have been poisoned by intrigue before they were struck down by violence. They have been rotted from within before they were smitten from without. How else can you explain what has happened to France?-to the French Army, to the French people, to the leaders of the French people?
But here, in our Island, we are in good health and in good heart. We have seen how Hitler prepared in scientific detail the plans for destroying the neighbor countries
of Germany. He had his plans for Poland and his plans for Norway. He had his plans for Denmark. He had his plans all worked out for the doom of the peaceful, trustful Dutch; and, of course, for the Belgians. We have seen how the French were undermined and overthrown. We may therefore be sure that there is a plan-perhaps built up over years-for destroying Great Britain, which after all has the honor to be his main and foremost enemy. All I can say is that any plan for invading Britain which Hitler made two months ago must have had to be entirely recast in order to meet our new position. Two months ago-nay, one month ago-our first and main effort was to keep our best Army in France. All our regular troops, all our output of munitions, and a very large part of our Air Force, had to be sent to France and maintained in action there. But now we have it all at home. Never before in the last war-or in this-have we had in this Island an Army comparable in quality, equipment or numbers to that which stands here on guard tonight. We have a million and a half men in the British Army under arms tonight, and every week of June and July has seen their organization, their defenses and their striking power advance by leaps and bounds. No praise is too high for the officers and men-aye, and civilians-who have made this immense transformation in so short a time. Behind these soldiers of the regular Army, as a means of destruction for parachutists, air-borne invaders, and any traitors that may be found in our midst (but I do not believe there are many-woe betide them, they will get short shrift)-behind the regular Army we have more than a million of the Local Defense Volunteers, or, as they are much better called, the "Home Guard." These officers and men, a large proportion of whom have been through the last war, have the strongest desire to attack and come to close quarters with the enemy wherever he may appear. Should the invader come to Britain, there will be no placid lying down of the people in submission before him, as we have seen, alas, in other countries. We shall defend every village, every town, and every city. The vast mass of London itself, fought street by street, could easily devour an entire hostile army; and we would rather see London laid in ruins and ashes than that it should be tamely and abjectly enslaved. I am bound to state these facts, because it is necessary to inform our people of our intentions, and thus to reassure them.
This has been a great week for the Royal Air Force, and for the Fighter Command. They have shot down more than five to one of the German aircraft which have tried to molest our convoys in the Channel, or have ventured to cross the British coast line. These are, of course, only the preliminary encounters to the great air battles which lie ahead. But I know of no reason why we should be discontented with the results so far achieved; although, of course, we hope to improve upon them as the fighting becomes more widespread and comes more inland. Around all lies the power of the Royal Navy. With over a thousand armed ships under the White Ensign, patrolling the seas, the Navy, which is capable of transferring its force very readily to the protection of any part of the British Empire which may be threatened, is capable also of keeping open communication with the New World, from whom, as the struggle deepens, increasing aid will come. Is it not remarkable that after ten months of unlimited U-boat and air attack upon our commerce, our food reserves are higher than they have ever been, and we have a substantially larger tonnage under our own flag, apart from great numbers of foreign ships in our control, than we had at the beginning of the war? Why do I dwell on all this? Not, surely, to induce any slackening of effort or vigilance. On the contrary. These must be redoubled, and we must prepare not only for the summer, but for the winter; not only for 1941, but for 1942; when the war will, I trust, take a different form from the defensive, in which it has hitherto been bound. I dwell on these elements in our strength, on these resources which we have mobilized and control-I dwell on them because it is right to show that the good cause can command the means of survival; and that while we toil through the dark valley we can see the sunlight on the uplands beyond.
I stand at the head of a Government representing all Parties in the State-all creeds, all classes, every recognizable section of opinion. We are ranged beneath the Crown of our ancient monarchy. We are supported by a free Parliament and a free Press; but there is one bond which unites us all and sustains us in the public regard-namely (as is increasingly becoming known), that we are prepared to proceed to all extremities, to endure them and to enforce them; that is our bond of union in His Majesty's Government tonight. Thus only, in times like these, can nations preserve their freedom; and thus only can they uphold the cause entrusted to their care.
But all depends now upon the whole life-strength of the British race in every part of the world and of all our associated peoples and of all our well-wishers in every land, doing their utmost night and day, giving all, daring all, enduring all-to the utmost-to the end. This is no war of chieftains or of princes, of dynasties or national ambition; it is a war of peoples and of causes. There are vast numbers, not only in this Island but in every land, who will render faithful service in this war, but whose names will never be known, whose deeds will never be recorded. This is a War of the Unknown Warriors; but let all strive without failing in faith or in duty, and the dark curse of Hitler will be lifted from our age.
From The Churchill Centre
July 1940
Usual training being carried out. CO on recce to Newdigate area in Sussex for proposed assembly area/reinforcements in from the holding unit and they were on the range all week qualifying in small arms. Several air raid alerts sounded during the week. Battalion sports day held on Thursday. On Friday we were bussed on Bowling Alley to dig huge anti-tank ditch and it was a real lousy job. Air raid near Aldershot and bombs were dropped very near to our barracks. Several men in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps barracks were killed in this raid in full daylight on Saturday afternoon. We are finding life in the barracks very hard and extremely boring.
7-13 July 1940
Church parade to St. Andres church on Sunday. Out on pass for the balance of the day. We were required to report back between 1700-1800hrs. Back out on Monday to Bowling Alley to dig that bloody anti-tank ditch. Practiced embussing on buses from No 10 Bus Carrying Company RASC. Digging that infernal ditch again at Bowling Alley. Unit on fairly long route march on Friday to West End, Ash Vale and Farnborough. Restrictions placed on leave. Commanding Officers parade and kit inspection on Saturday and then out on pass.
14-20 July 1940
We were required to dig that anti-tank ditch at Bowling Alley all day Sunday. It is bloody hard and boring work- We are still in the process of being re-kitted after the disaster in France where we lost most of our equipment. On Monday the CO spoke to us to tell us why were were going to the Newdigate area to bivouac. Advance party left for thr area Monday. Tuesday was spent in cleaning up the barracks. Left Aldershot at 1250hrs and arrived in Newdigate are at 1730hrs. The area was not in very good shape and we were required to do quite a lot of work to put the roads in shape around the company areas. Most of the unit officers away as umpires on an exercise. A lot of men were reported as AWOL. Village of Newdigate withing the battalion area so no pass is required to go into it. Allowed to go to Dorking and Horsham on pass.
21-27 July 1940
Church parades held in company area and then we were allowed out on pass for a short period. Training commenced and also 4 day leave granted to the unit on a selected basis and not to exceed 10% of the strength of the unit at any time. Raining off and on all week and living conditions not too good. Route march on Friday around the Dorking area and 12 miles were covered. Practice move held on Saturday night and it did not go to well as Royal Tank Regiment was practicing similar move in our area.
28-31 July 1940
Church parades held on Sunday area. A Dental Officer reported to the unit for duty. Training being held as usual. Local inhabitants of Newdigate put on a show for us in the village hall on Tuesday evening. CO had a meeting of the sub-units on Wednesday and explained the situation and out need to be patient.
[The Battle of Britain begins. Operation Sea Lion, set for September 1940. Churchill makes one of his famous speeches. July 19th: Hilter offers Peace terms to England but is rejected by Lord Halifax.]
Sunday, January 11, 2009
June 1940: To France and Back
The CO attended an O FP at Brigade HQ and was told that two sections of 1 Field Company RCE and F Troop 51 Battery (A/Tank) were to be attached for all purposes to the unit. Unit acting as defence force for Syewell aerodome. The CO and two other officers went in a recce to the East Coast and the Wash area. No church parade held as large assemblies of troops forbidden. Everyone had an hour's notice to move. Monday the stand to was eased and we were allowed to go into Wellinboro on pass. Majors Southam and Ganong were held in custody during the course of a recce of the East Coast area. We had a practice move on Wednesday night. Drove in unit MT and back to battalion area on Thursday night at 0300hrs. Battalion back on one hour stand to. Received orders to move back to Aldershot at 1550hrs. Saturday, 8th of June was my 20th Birthday and on that day the King and Queen visited the unit in the afternoon. I was guard bugler with the guard from C Coy and sounded the Royal Salute. The pipe band played from its station at the the foot of the Barossa Road during the whole time the Royal party spent inspecting us. CO received word that the transport of the unit was to move on Sunday.
9-15 June 1940
Unit held church parade on Sunday in the form of a drum head service on the grass lawn North of the parade square. Unit MT left at 0800hrs for Falmouth and then France. Carrier platoon left Monday morning for Falmouth. Short intensive periods of training were instituted including one hour route march in full pack. Route march again on Tuesday-small draft of reinforcements received from holding unit. All OR's paid 10 shillings Wednesday and allowed out on pass till 1700hrs. Battalion started to entrain at 2200hrs Wednesday. A Coy went first and remainder of the battalion leaving at 2030hrs.
13 June 1940
We arrived at Millbay dock at Plymouth and were fed on the dock. Embarked at 0930hrs on the French ship El Mansour which normally ran between Algiers and Marseilles. Lord and Lady Astor came to the dock to watch us board the ship. Admiral Sir Charles Naismith VC also present and to the CO and Major Hendrie to lunch at Admiralty House at Plymouth. The Royal Marines Band played as we pulled away from the dock at 1430hrs. The 48th Highlanders were sharing accomendation on board wth the RCR, A/Tk Bty RCA and the 1 Fd Ambulance. Very crowded on board and the sanitary arrangements were quite apaling with two to three inches of water on the latrine floor and they were constantly in use. We were issued iron rations and that is all we received while on the ship. Hot water issued and we were able to make tea, which was only hot and had no resemblance to what is commonly known as tea. Convoy of one other Troop Ship and three destroyers left Plymouth harbour at 1930hrs.
14 June 1940
[note: on this day, Paris was captured by the Germans.]
The trip across the channel to Brest was quite uneventful except that we all got precious little sleep. No one was sick as the channel was perfectly calm. We docked in Brest at 0800hrs. We had already been fed breakfast of iron rations on board so we disembarked quickly to the ramparts above the dock area. The 48th Highlanders and the Royal Canadian Regiment were the first Canadian units to land in France. Rested under the trees on the ramparts until 1045hrs. We moved out to the Lower Station at 1045hrs and boarded our troop train. Left Brest at 1145hrs with the 1 Cdn Inf Bde Headquarters staff on the train with us. The CO was OC Train. Proceeded slowly through Laval and Rennes. The Rail Transport Officer at Brest advised the CO that there would be stops along the way for feeding but in fact no organized stops were made. Had a long stop at Rennes and quite a number of the men were able to get local inhabitants to purchase some bottles of local wine for us. Bloody awful stuff it was too. The only food available for us was iron rations. Many refugee trains passed us. At 2200hrs the CO called an Orders group and issued orders for holding of Sable. Advised the the Germans were in Paris and German armour could be expected any time. Some German Divisional troops and artillery were reported in the Sable area.
15 June 1940
At 0300hrs the Battalion arrived in Sable. The CO was faced with two choices. If we were to be billeted in Sable then we would be responsible for positions North of the River and if we did not billet in the town then we would take up positions in the woods to the North with the river to the reat and to the right. The RTO at Sable advised the CO that he had orders to have the train returned to Brest. He told the CO that the War Council had been meeting all the previous day and he knew nothing further, which he did shortly after speaking to the CO. Using interpreters the CO spoke to the French Military Railway Authorities who told him that France was about to capitulate and the Brigadier, who was also on the train decided to go back to Brest. An LMG was mounted on the flat car attached to the rear of the train and PSM Laurie was brought to the engine to drive it if the French Engineer failed to do his job. Capt. W.G. Darling also rode in the cab with a supply of money and wine to keep the French Engineer happy. Armed guards rode in the coal tender and men were detailed to act as stokers for the engineer. We left Sable at 0500hrs after the Engineer had been fed a breakfast. The CO's orders were as follows:
1) At Laval all Company Commanders were to ride with their men in their respective coaches
2) All troops were to be advised of the situation
3) If attacked by air the train would go as far as possible
4) If attacked by armour we would detrain and fight and if possible get the train moving
5) If that proved impossible we were to scatter and move in platoon groups to either Nantes or St. Nazaire and hope for a boat
On recepit of the news some of the men discarded their heavy equipment and many windows on the train were broken out to prevent glass splintering in the event we were bombed. At Laval the move to Brest was confirmed and another flat car was added to the train and two more LMGs were mounted on it. At Rennes it was considered that the danger zone for mechanized columns had been passed and the officers returned to their car. The RTO at Brest confirmed that the BEF were evacuating France. After leaving Rennes it was noticed we were on a different route. At Dol Mjor Hendrie sent word back that the Engineer had orders to take the train to St. Malo. An English speaking RTO came aboard and told the CO that this was not the case and he would have the train switched to Brest via a second class line. Soon after leaving Dol it was apparent that this was not done and as a result we soon pulled into St. Malo. The RTO at St. Malo stated that we should have gone to Brest but he promised to try and find a boat. The train was divided at the siding and the AA guns mounted on each side. The RTO advised that a ship was available so we left the train and marched to the ship. We boarded HMT Biarritz at 1750hrs with the remnants of other British and Canadian units. The Royal Engineer Officer, who was OC ship, requested that the unit mount AA guns and this was done. Sailing delayed as 500 more men were embarked. We remained tied to the dock the rest of the day.
16-22 June 1940
[note: France signed an armistice with Germany this week.]
The ship sailed at 0400hrs from St. Malo with over 2000 men on board a ship licensed for a capacity of 800 with life boat spaces allotted accordingly. We were feed a good meal and the sanitary arrangements aboard ship were surprisingly good considering the circumstances. The sea was dead calm with lots of surface fog in the morning. Spotted a destroyer about 0800hrs and after identifying us it went on its way. An RAF flying boat circled us several times about 1100hrs and then flew off. Passed the Isle of Wright at 1300hrs and landed at Southampton docks at 1630hrs. We immediately left the ship and boarded a train for Farnborough. Arrived Farnborough at 1900hrs and were bussed to Corunna Barracks. We were fed a light meal and allowed out on pass until midnight.
Monday was spent in checking losses on equipment and in a general clean up. The CO addressed all ranks in the Stanhope Theatre on the lessons learned on the trip to France. The remainder of the other sub-units reported back during the week. The unit transport was all left in France and it was destoyed as there was no way to get it out. Unit training resumed. Unit on pass to Aldershot on Saturday.
23-30 June 1940
Church parades this Sunday and due to heavy rain we all paraded in steel helmets and gas capes. On pass the remainder of the day. Passive Air Defence messages received all week. Company training being held. Unit sports day on Wednesday. Thursday we went on a route march to Frensham Great Pond where we swam and had lunch. Returned to barracks at 1630hrs by transport. 3 days leave with warrant granted to 7% of the unit on rotating bases. Battalion paraded to St. Andrews for church service and then we were allowed out of barracks to midnight on pass. Lt. Trumbull Warren making a recce of Newham County area for bivouac purposes.
[What my Granddad was writing about during this time was codenamed Operation Ariel.
Operation Ariel, commanded by Admiral William Milbourne James C-inC, Portsmouth Command, began on June 14 being conducted from the ports of Cherbourg and St Malo, ending on June 25, 1940 in accordance with the armistice terms signed by the French government. During this time, further to the south in the Bay of Biscay region, evacuations were also being carried out from St Nazaire, Brest and Nantes led by Admiral Sir Martin Eric Nasmith C-inC, Western Approaches Command.
Over 215,000 Allied soldiers were evacuated, to be combined with the 11,000 men evacuated from Le Havre in Operation Cycle and the 338,226 men that were evacuated from Dunkirk (the "miracle of Dunkirk", as Winston Churchill called it). The British evacuation of Dunkirk through the English Channel was codenamed Operation Dynamo. Operation Ariel was less desperate in some ways, and less well known, than the earlier heavy fighting around Dunkirk during the German invasion in 1940 (when a lull in the fighting allowed an unexpectedly large number of French and British soldiers to escape to Britain). The only major loss during the evacuation from western France occurred off St Nazaire on 17 June, when the liner RMS Lancastria was bombed and sunk, by Junkers Ju 88s of Kampfgeschwader 30 killing some 5,800 personnel. On the final day of the evacuation, 25th June, Canadian destroyer HMCS Fraser was rammed and sunk by the anti-aircraft cruiser HMS Calcutta in the Gironde estuary, leading into Bordeaux. About 4,000 were awaiting evacuation.]
Thursday, January 8, 2009
May 1940
Rehearsal for review on Saturday and Sports parade held. Brigade exercise held on Thursley Common on Thursday. Battalion occupied trenches in the area and during the exercise liaison between the various sub units broke down. Exercise ended at 0800hrs Friday and the battalion returned to unit lines by unit MT. Final rehearsal parade held on Friday at 1500hrs. The new Governor General of Canada, the Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice [granddaughter to Queen Victoria] inspected the unit. The regimental colours were on parade for the first time since we landed in England. Hon. Norman Rogers the Minister of National Defence and Vincent Massey, General McNaughton and General Crerar and the Brigade Commander were also present. The band was on parade in all its finery.
5-11 May 1940
Large turn out for the unit church parade. Advance party left for Warminster on Salisbury Plains in preperation for unit camp. Battalion route march to Twisledown and Crookham held. Balance of the time spent in checking equipment for camp. A Coy gave a demonstration of bridging and collapsible boats at Hawley Hill. Battalion watched demonstration and also fought heath fire caused by a thunderflash explosive device. Warning order received and live ammunition issed. We left Warminster by train on Saturday. We were met at the siding by 57 Heavy Divisional Artillery Band and the bandmaster of the band was a son in law of one of the Sergeantts of the unit. Spent the remainder of the day setting tents in the area/AA gun sites mounted on the perimeter.
12-18 May 1940
Unit church parade held in the field-drum head service. Unit marched to training are 4 1/2 miles away. Route march over some fairly steep hills. On arrival at the area patrols sent out. Companies worked at night preparing trenches and rested during the day. Wiring around the trenches completed. Transport Officer went back to Aldershot to pick up trucks. Meals being served in the training area. Battalion back to base camp for rest and then left at night for the training area. Large number of civilian buses arriving to supplement the unit transport. Rain started and caused great discomfort both in the training area and base camp. The unit suffered its first fatal causality when a truck being driven by Pte. Hayes hit a car being driven by Pte. Thow coming from Aldershot. He died int he base camp. The men in the car were only slightly injured. Saturday we were allowed in to Warminster until 4pm. Battalion back in the training area by 6pm.
19-25 May 1940
Set piece attack held in the training area. Tanks were used and they got bogged down in the wire but the carriers had a little more luck. Anti-tank ditches not to effective. Infantry portion of the training went well except that the H & P E.R. took down the wite and lifted the mines in error. Troops returned to base camp for breakfast. Battalion embussed on MT and impressed vehicles for return to Aldershot. Unit spent first day back in Aldershot cleaning equipment. Sir Harry Lauder visited the unit and watched the band beat retreat. Dined with the officers afterwards. We were all given free tickets for his show in the Garrision Theatre in the evening. Lt. D.C.B. Corbett and 143 men arrived from Canada at the government siding in Aldershot. Band met them at the siding and played them into the unit lines. I attended at the station with a guard when Pte. Thow's body was placed on a train for Aberdeen. Memorial service held the next day in St. Michael's church for Pte. Thow. Brigade sports meet held. Battalion warned for FRANCE. Leaves canceled and the unit entrained at 2300hrs at the government siding on Wednesday and arrived 0600hrs at Dover on Thursday. Sat up all night in rail coaches and got little sleep. Immediately embarked on Mona Queen at Dover. We were all carrying kit bags and packs. Iron rations issued at 1200hrs and they were promptly ate. Sat around on ship all day. Seen British troops being landed from hospital ships. Not very encouraging. Disembarked from Mona Queen and back to Aldershot. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. This little excursion became known in the unit as the "Dover Dash." Back to Aldershot on Friday where we settled back into barracks. Transport arrived back late.
26-31 May 1940
Another warning order issued on Sunday and consequently the unit started packing and loading for another move, to where we did not know. No church parade was held. We were told to stand down at noon and allowed to go into Aldershot. The transport left loaded. All roads in the unit lines blocked by vehicles and road blocks set up utilizing vehicles trucks. Pay parade on Monday and Battalion transport left for Southampton to load transport. Orders received that one kit bag for every two soldiers was all that would be allowed. The CO immediately ordered a feasibility study made and the result was that the order would not work. The order to rescind the original order almost received immediately after the study and no more was heard of the sharing notion with regard to the transport of personal kit. Battalion let out on four hour pass to Aldershot. PT parade held and then the battalion moved off at 2145hrs Thursday. At 0140hrs 31 May 1940 the Battalion arrived on the outskirts of Oxford. The convoy took a wrong turn and was headed for Stad Hampton. Vehicles turned around the headed towards Little Miton. Battalion RV at Earlsbarton and then guided to a large field South East of Wilby, where the unit spent the 31st settling in.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
April 1940
Trench warfare training was running into some difficulties as the Engineers wanted to dismantle the trenches. Unit went to Puttenham Common for Company schemes. Companies marched out 5 1/2 miles and attempted company attack on defended position. It was a failure and in addition it rained making it a thoroughly unpleasant day. Corporal's held a dance at night in their mess. A Corporal in the Provost Section was tried by the CO and reduced in rank to Private. He was detailed to go to London to pick up a prisoner from the APM in London. When he picked him up both he and the prisoner went into the station restaurant and started to have a couple of drinks. One thing led to another and they both ended up drunk and disorderly. The Provost Sergeant had to go to London and pick them both up and needless to say the charges resulted which led to his trial. Training held again at Puttenham Common. Battalion Transport utilized and they practiced giving the troops a lift over short distances. This was the first time that this attempted. Sir Edward Peacock and two directors of the YMCA visited the unit and dined with the officers. Battalion practiced withdrawal exercise at Puttenham Common. A/TK rifle practice held at Hangmoor Ranges.
7-13 April 1940
Church parade held as usual on Sunday. Battalion embussed on the unit transport and at the debussing point an ice cream vendor was selling his wares and this was a distruption in training until he was told to move on. Battalion required to dig in to a depth of 6 feet. After completing the dig the unit started a 10 mile march back to barracks. Hot soup served at the half way point on the way back. Brigade Commander and Colonel Drysdale watched the unit training. Unit went back to Puttenham Common for more collective training. Training also held in the Pirbright area and the unit rotated in and out of this area on a scheduled basis. An intricate system of trenches already in place in this area. Companies remained in trenches all day and it was during this training that the first issue of army rum made to the unit. According to the War Diary this trench warfare training in Pirbright area was taken quite seriously. Patrols in no mans land led to many instances of fist fights and no small number of black eyes. Battalion relieved in training area by Scots Guards. Pay parade held when unit returned from training and everyone had 1 shilling deducted from their pay for barrack damages, in this case broken china in the mess hall. Battalion drill held on Saturday and then passes handed out for weekend.
14-20 April 1940
Battalion church parade held as usual and then the remainder of the day free. Unit went to Puttenham Common for exercise. A and B Companies returned by MT for bath parade. The band paraded to the Government siding to meet a large draft of men from Canada. They failed to arrive-no reason given. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff lectured the Officers. Unit embussed on RASC transport for Twisledown training area but returned almost immediately due to heavy rain storm. Slight mix up regarding RASC transport failing to follow CO's vehicle. Unit went back to Twisledown to look at trenches occupied the night before. Gas alarms held on Saturday and it was none to successful.
21-30 April 1940
Church parade as usual. Several men were noted swimming in the Basingstone Canal in the nude. Battalion training at Thursley Common.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
March 1940
The unit was inspected at training on Friday morning by Major General Wilcox. We all had to take part in Bren gun practice with the various companies we had been assigned to. A PRO Photographer was around all day taking pictures of the training. Unit went to Caesar's Camp Saturday to complete Bren Gun firing.
3-9 March 1940
Unit paraded to church as usual. Monday spent on training while the Officers and NCO's attended a demonstration of Kapok bridging in the presence of the Brigade Commander. Band not required to take part is this training. The Brigadier gave a verbal warning that the IRA were operating in England and their main objective was to steal weapons. Live ammunition issued to picquets with orders to shoot and guards at night were doubled. We had to remove the bolts from our rifles and keep them locked in our barrack boxes. D Company could not do the bridging exercise as they lost track of where they were supposed to pick up the bridging material. Battalion started to get gas masks re-fitted. Someone tried to start a fire in the Officer's lines but it was caught in time. Sergeants held a dance on Thursday evening. Battalion route march to ASH ranges and return via Farnborough. We had a good look at the glass house [Military Prison] on this march. Went to the theatre on Friday afternoon to see training films. COMS Church married in St. Andrews Church.
10-16 March 1940
The CO and the 2 I\C proceeded to the Cotswld for a TEWT [Tactical Exercise Without Troops.] Church parade on Sunday under the command of Major "Wild Bill" Hendrie. Officer and 2 men detailed for A.A duty on ships on North Sea convoys. Route march canceled due to heavy rains. Sports afternoon also cancelled for the same reason. Anothony Eden and Vincent Massey visited the unit and observed training. Weather was particularly bad while they were here-sleet and snow. I exercised my franchise to vote on the 14th of March in the Federal General Election which was being held in Canada. This was the first time that I had voted. MackKenzie King was re-elected. Battalion took part in its first night exercise which consisted of a night compass march following a pre-determined set of bearings.
17-23 March 1940
Church Parade as usual. Lt Col Wimberley lectured the officers and NCO's in Stanhope Theatre. Parades canceled because of heavy rains. Major General Wallace visited the unit and spoke to the officers. Collective training commenced this week at the section level. GOC's inspection on Tuesday and it was quite a comprehensive inspection. Some range practices being carried out. Battalion stood down on Good Friday. Voting finished this Saturday for the Federal Election.
24-31 March 1940
Easter Sunday observed with a full church parade. Unit practiced loading vehicles on Monday. Unit hockey team played at Brighton at night. Very bad rain storms and route marches canceled. Training held in company lines instead. Pte. Sproule won the Brigade Heavyweight boxing championship. Truck loadings practiced at night in the dark, Hockey team played at Wembley Stadium in London. The month of March ended on Sunday and church parade held as usual.